Personal Project
Project Description :
Maya: Envornment modeling from a single image, then camera projected on top of the model, lighting, texturing, rendering.
Boujou: Tracking a pre-choreographed camera move footage.
Nuke: Importing obj from Maya, importing camera from Boujou, composting ghosts, shot on black screen and integration of other practical elements( dust, smoke), Color correction.
Photoshop: Texture painting.
Project Description :
Maya: Modelling, Texturing, Lighting, Rendering, animation(Bottle,wings and banner)
Nuke: integrating various render pass and practicle elements, Colour correction.
(the burning wing footage was obtained by printing the wings generated
from Maya model and then burning the wings, which were then comped on top.)
Photoshop: Texture painting.
Project Description :
Maya: Modelling, Texturing, Lighting, Rendering for the scale object.
Nuke: Intigarating various render pass and practicle elements, roto, Colour correction
Boujou: Tracking the camera move.
Photoshop: Texture Painting.
Maya: Putting the characters on cards, layout design, Rendering and animation with multipal render layers.
Nuke: Invigorating various render layers, Colour correction.
Photoshop: Character design, trees and flowers Painting.